Calendula - Calendula officinalis

Botanical Name
Calendula officinalis
Common Name

Calendula, Marigold, Pot Marigold, bride of the sun, bull flower, butterwort.


Parts Used

The flowers: dried for tea, extracted in tincture, oils, salves, balms or lotions. Also nice in a bath or as an edible flower in food. 


Native To
Uncertain but possibly North Africa, Southern Europe and/or the Mediterranean.
Botanical Description
Calendula is a short-lived perennial that has a sticky texture due to her high resin content. She can grow up to 24 inches tall with orange or yellow flower heads that open when the sun rises and close when it sets. Roughly 1-3 inches across, the flowers have a central cluster of tubular flowers surrounded by several rows of ray florets. The blooms give way to crescent-shaped seeds that are light brown or grey.
Note:  Calendula is an annual plant (will need to be replanted every year).
Where She Grows
Happy in most gardens, veg patches, fields. 

Season To Harvest

Flowers - Spring to Autumn

Harvesting Guidelines

Flowers: Harvest whole flower heads in the afternoon after the dew has evaporated and dry in a warm, well ventilated area. Harvesting the flower heads every 2-3 days may help to encourage additional blooms!



Energetically, calendula is warming.


Anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, lymphagogue, vulnerary and a mood enhancer.

Most well known as a vulnerary plant, calendula can be used topically to soothe and mend cuts, burns, bites, sprains, bruises, rashes, sunburns, dry skin and abrasions. She soothes inflammation including inflammation from deeper bone and joint diseases. Note: as calendula rapidly repairs tissues make sure skin/wound is clean before application. 

Calendula is also used both internally (tea/tincture) and externally (oil/salve) for fungal skin infections and yeast overgrowth such as candida. 

As a lymphagogue/lymphatic herb, she can be taken as a tea to cleanse the lymphatic system,  remove toxins from the lymph, and decongest swollen lymph nodes. 

She can also be used to help regulate the menstrual cycle due to her antispasmodic and mild emmenagogue actions, helping bring on delayed menstruation and ease tension, cramping, and pain. 


Folklore and Magic

As a flower of the sun, it is said a cup of calendula tea can be enough to brighten even the foulest of moods! Like adding sunshine to a cup! As a sun herb, she also brings confidence, especially if added to a bath or perfume before important events.


Love Em xx


Disclaimer - this is from my own research, word of mouth or trainings. I do not claim to be a medical professional nor can I condone the use of any medical or wild plant on here without seeking advice.